Isologo sin bajada negativo

American Lakes and Wetlands of the Living Lakes Network

Sixteen lakes and wetlands in America are now part of the Living Lakes Network, working collaboratively for the conservation of these aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity.

Columbia River Wetlands

Esteros del Iberá

Ignacio Allende Reservoir

Laguna de Rocha

Laguna de Zapotlán

Lagunita Complex

Lake Atitlán

Lake Chapala

Lake Fúquene

Lake Titicaca

Lake Winnipeg

Mata Atlántica

Mono Lake


Tota Lake

Bajo Yuna Mangrove

Brazil, Bolivia & Paraguay

Brazil, Paraguay & Argentina

Dominican Republic



Peru & Bolivia



National Networks

Living Lakes Network Canada

Living Lakes Network Latin America and the Caribbean

Join the global community for lakes