Living Lakes Webinar Series

Join the Living Lakes monthly webinars to learn about practical solutions and the latest trends on nature conservation, relevant international agreements and frameworks, and much more.


Experts from different countries and backgrounds will interactively share experiences and knowledge on multiple topics with a common focus – the protection and sustainable use of aquatic ecosystems.


Targeting practitioners, students and policy-makers, the webinars will equip the audience with real life management skills to lead effective conservation.

Every third Tuesday of the month

2 – hour webinar

English language

Scheduled Webinars

Global Organizations in Lake and Wetland Management: Key Players and Their Roles

This webinar provides an overview of leading international organizations involved in lake and wetland management. We will introduce key players such as UNEP, RAMSAR, ILEC, INBO, YEW, Wetlands International, the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, and WWF, among others. Each organization’s contributions to conservation, policy, and scientific research will be highlighted, along with their impact on global wetland management. The session will conclude with an overview of the Global Nature Fund’s (GNF) role in coordinating efforts across these organizations, offering insights into the collaborative efforts driving wetland preservation worldwide.

International Funding Schemes for Wetland Restoration: Opportunities and Strategies for Conservation Projects

This webinar will explore various international funding schemes available for wetland restoration initiatives. Participants will learn about key funding sources, grant programs, and financial strategies that support conservation efforts worldwide. The session will also provide practical guidance on accessing and applying for these funds, helping organizations and projects secure the resources needed to restore and protect vital wetland ecosystems.

Wetlands and Climate Change: Trends, Risks and the Role of Blue Carbon in Mitigation

This webinar explores the critical relationship between wetlands and climate change, focusing on current trends, consequences, and the associated risks. We will discuss the vital role wetlands play in climate mitigation, particularly through blue carbon—the carbon captured and stored in wetland ecosystems. The session will also introduce tools and strategies for protecting and enhancing wetlands to combat climate change, highlighting their importance in global climate resilience efforts.

Certifications for Enhanced Wetland Management: Agriculture, Tourism, Aquaculture and Carbon Sequestration

This webinar will explore how certifications can serve as powerful tools for improving wetland management across various sectors, including agriculture, tourism, aquaculture, fisheries, and forestry. We will examine specific certification standards, such as CO2 sequestration standards and REDD+, that contribute to sustainable practices and better ecosystem preservation. Attendees will gain insights into how these certifications help protect wetlands, promote sustainable development, and support global environmental goals.

Empowering Communities: Income Generation and diversification as a Tool for Ecosystem Conservation

This webinar will explore how creating new income opportunities within communities can serve as a powerful strategy to reduce pressure on ecosystems. By examining successful examples from various regions, we will discuss how initiatives such as sustainable tourism, cooperative agriculture, and reforestation projects can both support local livelihoods and promote environmental conservation. Participants will gain insights into how fostering economic growth in harmony with nature helps to protect ecosystems and ensure long-term sustainability.

Past Webinars

International Cooperation and Conservation Tools

Learn about important international networks and initiatives such as ILEC, Youth Engaged in Wetlands (YEW) and the Africa Great Lakes network. Get to know useful tools and data bases to support your conservation work and to learn about your lake.

Wetland & Limnology Basics

Learn about the ecological functioning, types and classification of lakes and wetlands to support your management decisions with sound expertise on threads and trends.


Wetlands and Threats

Lakes and wetlands have been largely lost over the past 300 years, and at an increasing speed in recent decades. In the midst of climate change, overuse, drainage and exploitation, pollution and invasive species still have a huge impact on lakes. 

Basics in NGO Management

Learn about basics in corporate social responsibility and sustainable management of non- profit organizations and get to know the most important international actors in wetland protection.

Sustainable Governance and Leadership in NGOs

Be introduced to a practice oriented bachelor study program for nonprofit and NGO management. Get an overview on sustainability oriented NGO governance aspects, tools and outcomes to improve your skills for a successful NGO career.

Wetlands and Climate Change

Learn about the most important global trends and their impact on wetlands. You will get an insight on which tools are used at the global level for wetland protection.

What works to make Inland Artisanal Fisheries more Sustainable?

Learn from examples around the world about different approaches to improving the livelihoods of fishing communities, while sustainably managing fisheries resources and endangered fish species.

Sustainable Agriculture as a Key Factor in Lake Basin Management

Learn about methods to reduce the serious impacts of agriculture on open water bodies, to adapt to the consequences of climate change and to involve local farming communities in the protection of their landscape and water resources. 

Wetland Restoration from Patch to Landscape - Involving Communities in Small and Large Scale Restoration Activities

Learn from India, South Africa and Guatemala how community-based restoration can move from a small patch to a landscape approach. What are the key factors to involve and engage local people in protecting mangroves, gallery forests and montane rainforests?

Sustainable Tourism as an Ally in Protected Area Management

 Learn from conservation experts around the world how tourism activities can support the implementation of conservation measures in protected areas and beyond, and what tools and methods are qualified to engage tourism businesses in this approach.

Restoring saline wetlands: oases of biodiversity in arid environments

Saline wetlands have a high concentration of salts in their waters. This particularity conditions the life of all the species of plants and invertebrates that inhabit them. This webinar discuss the characteristics and peculiarities of these reservoirs of biodiversity typical of steppe areas in Europe or Asia.


Wetlands Basics: Global Status, Threats, and Conservation Strategies with a Focus on Tropical and Subtropical Lakes

This seminar explores the current status and pressing threats facing wetlands around the world, with particular emphasis on tropical and subtropical lakes. An overview of the latest scientific research and conservation evidence, highlighting international trends and their critical implications for biodiversity and climate change.

Wetlands and Threats: The Rapid Decline of Lakes and Wetlands in the Face of Global Challenges

This webinar examines the alarming decline of lakes and wetlands over the past 300 years, with an accelerated loss in recent decades. As climate change intensifies, these vital ecosystems are increasingly threatened by overuse, drainage, pollution, and invasive species. The session will explore the critical impacts these factors have on lakes and wetlands, highlighting the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect these essential habitats in a rapidly changing world.

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