Isologo sin bajada negativo

Who We Are

The Living Lakes Network is an international partnership of 130 members working in more than 60 countries to protect and restore lakes and wetlands around the world. For over 20 years, the Network has engaged with NGOs, governments, indigenous peoples and local communities to conserve critical habitats, strengthen sustainable livelihoods and educate on the benefits provided by lakes and wetlands.

Saving the Lakes and Wetlands of the World

The Living Lakes
Biodiversity & Climate Project

In the UN Decade of Habitat Restoration, fourteen members of the Living Lakes Network have embarked on an ambitious, 5-year project to accelerate and scale up the conservation of these ecosystems, an essential mission to protect the climate and stop biodiversity loss. The project members include grassroots and community-based NGOs, conservationists, scientists and institutional entities.

The project will work on 13 critical landscapes developing nature-based solutions and fostering training and capacity building alongside local partners.



Join the global community for lakes