Located on the southern coast of Sri Lanka near Ambalangoda, Lake Madampa is not just a serene waterbody but a burgeoning hub of biodiversity. This
Located on the southern coast of Sri Lanka near Ambalangoda, Lake Madampa is not just a serene waterbody but a burgeoning hub of biodiversity. This
As night falls on Madampa Lake, in Sri Lanka, a small constellation of stars flutters across the still waters. They are the lanterns of local
Nestled near Colombo, Lake Bolgoda stands as Sri Lanka’s largest natural lake. Its lush surroundings encompass diverse habitats like marshes, mangrove forests, grasslands, scrublands, and
The Living Lakes Network is an international partnership of 130 members working in more than 60 countries to protect and restore the lakes and wetlands of the world.
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