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Living Lakes announces the third Sustainability Leadership Journey – September 2024, South Africa

Kirsten Oliver 2024-1494_edited

Living Lakes is thrilled to organize its third Sustainability Leadership Journey (SLJ), a transformative experience designed for young, passionate conservation leaders, students, and sustainability and nature enthusiasts. Taking place from 8 – 14 September in South Africa, the SLJ offers a unique opportunity to engage around some of the key issues affecting sustainability and reflect on leadership roles inside those key issues, with valuable input from passion-driven practitioners in the field.


Hosted by WILDTRUST (Wildlands Conservation Trust) and the Global Nature Fund, as part of the Living Lakes Biodiversity & Climate Project, the SLJ will unfold in the breathtaking setting of iSimangaliso Wetland Park, in the town of St Lucia.




The third SLJ focusses on beautiful places, building relationships, having challenging conversations, peer inspiration and collaborative problem solving. It will be filled with experiential learning and field demonstrations, interactive lectures and workshops, storytelling sessions, and networking opportunities with other change makers and conservation leaders from South Africa and across the world.


The preliminary program is available here.


Throughout the Journey, we will align our discussions and activities with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on key areas such as clean water and sanitation, poverty, education, gender equality, sustainable cities and communities, climate action, and partnerships for development. We will also discover the importance of personal leadership in conserving and restoring wetlands and learn how to empower and mobilize stakeholders to take action.


Registration deadline: 12 June 2024. See you in South Africa!

Please note that travelers from certain countries need a visa and/or vaccinations to enter South Africa – check with your local consulate

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