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Lake Uluabat

Lake Uluabat is a large freshwater lake near Bursa, Turkey. Uluabat covers an area of between 135 and 160 km² depending on the water level. The water is very shallow, with only 3 m on average. Eight islands and one sometimes island and sometimes peninsula, show the dynamics of this water body. The lake feeds by the Mustafakemalpaşa River, which has formed a silty delta. The shores of the lake are grown with reed belts and others, providing habitat for vivid birdlife.

What makes it special

Uluabat has the most extensive water lily beds in Turkey.

Protection status

· Ramsar Site 944, Wetland of International Importance

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Up to 1.000 Pygmy Cormorant, 136 Dalmatian Pelican, 42.500 Common Pochard, 13.600 Tufted Duck and 325.000 Eurasian Coot winter in this area. About 300 pairs of Pygmy Cormorant, 30 pairs of Squacco Heron and 75 pairs of Spoonbill nest in the lake region. Also 25 pairs of Little Egret and 10 pairs of Glossy Ibis breed in the region

Local Communities

People live at the lake since 3.200 years, at least. The long, shallow lake is probably best known for the village of Gölyazı, an ancient Greek settlement that dates back to the Roman era.


The lake water is used to irrigate the surrounding fields and plantations, where paddy and olive were cultivated. This detoriation in the water balance is threatening the wildlife. The Mustafakemalpaşa running into the lake is heavily polluted with wastewaster from households and industries. The declarati0on as Ramsar site did not yet lead to a change in the management.

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