Historic Victory for Nature: EU Council Adopts Nature Restoration Law

In a triumphant moment for Europe’s natural heritage, the EU Environmental Council has adopted the Nature Restoration Law (NRL). This landmark legislation marks a significant milestone for Europe’s ecosystems, climate resilience, and future generations.


Following intense negotiations, 20 member states, representing 66.07% of the EU population, endorsed the law. A decisive turn came when Austria’s Environment Minister, Leonore Gewessler, changed the country’s stance, ensuring the law’s passage at the crucial moment.


The #RestoreNature coalition, including BirdLife Europe, ClientEarth, EEB, and WWF EU, shared their excitement: “Today’s vote is a monumental win for Europe’s nature and its citizens, who have long advocated for urgent action to combat the decline in biodiversity. After years of dedicated campaigning and many ups and downs, we are overjoyed that this law is now in effect. This historic day signifies a new dawn for nature and society. Now, we must act swiftly to implement this legislation in every member state, collaborating with all stakeholders. Nature can recover, benefiting our climate, biodiversity, and communities.


This historic achievement is not only a win for Europe but also sets a pioneering example on a global scale. Europe, with this law, is leading the way in addressing the climate and biodiversity crises, showcasing its commitment to global environmental stewardship.


The path to the Nature Restoration Law was not easy. It faced an unprecedented disinformation campaign in the European Parliament and risked being blocked at the final hurdle. However, steadfast support ensured its victory.


This achievement comes just in time for the upcoming UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP16), showcasing Europe’s leadership in addressing global climate and biodiversity challenges. It sends a clear message to the new EU Parliament and Commission to keep biodiversity at the top of their agenda.


Strategic partners of the Living Lakes Network in Europe, including Fundación Global Nature and Global Nature Fund, have been instrumental in advocating for this law. Their relentless efforts have been crucial in ensuring this legislation’s success.



This success story is a result of immense public mobilization. Over a million citizens signed petitions and sent messages of support. More than 6,000 scientists, 100+ businesses, youth organizations, and various civil society sectors joined forces to defend the law and uphold the EU Green Deal’s integrity.


The #RestoreNature coalition extends heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this possible. Together, we have taken a giant leap towards a sustainable future.


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