This paper reviews wetland challenges. It provides municipalities with recommendations and a voluntary commitment template to reduce microplastic pollution, showcasing strategies from the LIFE Blue Lakes project.
This paper reviews wetland challenges. It provides municipalities with recommendations and a voluntary commitment template to reduce microplastic pollution, showcasing strategies from the LIFE Blue Lakes project.
This fact sheet addresses wetland challenges. It highlights the impact of microplastic emissions from tyre abrasion and the Life Blue Lakes project’s efforts to minimize and prevent microplastic pollution.
This fact sheet examines wetland challenges. It highlights microplastics from textiles and cosmetics as key pollutants and showcases the Life Blue Lakes project’s efforts to reduce and prevent microplastic pollution.
This fact sheet investigates wetland challenges. It highlights the role of microplastics from cosmetics and textiles in pollution and showcases the Life Blue Lakes project’s efforts to minimize microplastic impacts.
This fact sheet explores wetland challenges. It highlights the impact of microplastics in waters and showcases the Life Blue Lakes project’s efforts to minimize and prevent pollution through innovative solutions.
This document explores nature-based solutions. It highlights Colombia’s green filters for water purification, showcasing simple technologies, advantages, strategies, and solutions for sustainability.
This document addresses wastewater challenges. Green filters, built with partners in Latin America, offer cost-effective treatment, benefiting people and protecting lakes, flora, and fauna from harm.
This study explores wetland challenges and solutions. It reviews research on lakes and climate change in Germany and Europe, offering case studies, strategies, and recommendations for sustainability.
This document explores wastewater challenges. Green filters in Latin America, built with GNF and partners, offer cost-effective solutions, benefiting communities and protecting lakes and biodiversity.
This document addresses restoration challenges. Growing populations strain resources, affecting wetlands. Constructed wetlands recycle water, support habitats, and provide key solutions for sustainability.
The Living Lakes Network is an international partnership of 130 members working in more than 60 countries to protect and restore the lakes and wetlands of the world.
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