2023 Marks a Year of Significant Progress for the Living Lakes Biodiversity and Climate Project

The Living Lakes Biodiversity and Climate Project (LLBCP) continues to make significant strides in wetland and lake conservation across multiple countries. Our 2023 technical interim report, submitted to the IKI Secretariat, outlines key advancements and the positive impact of our efforts on global biodiversity and climate resilience.


Key Findings from the 2023 Report: Below are the pivotal achievements extracted from this year’s report, reflecting our strategic initiatives and their impactful outcomes:


1. Education and Capacity Building:

  • Extensive Training Programs: The LLBCP’s commitment to education has been a cornerstone of our strategy. In 2023 alone, 3,303 fishers and farmers and 2,422 lake managers, received targeted training. These programs are designed to empower local communities with the knowledge and skills necessary for sustainable management practices, ensuring long-term conservation success.


2. Policy Integration and Governance:

  • Legal Advances for Wetland Conservation: A significant achievement this year has been the integration of sustainable management goals into four critical legal documents. This milestone not only underscores the project’s influence on policy but also fortifies the legal framework necessary for enduring environmental stewardship.


3. Strengthening Global and Community Ties:

  • Enhanced International Collaboration: Our engagement on platforms such as the UN Decade on Habitat Restoration and the UNEP Freshwater platform has significantly amplified our project’s voice on the international stage. These collaborations foster a richer exchange of ideas and bolster our advocacy efforts for wetland preservation.
  • Local Community Engagement: The involvement of 476 community members in citizen science initiatives highlights a key strategic success, demonstrating our commitment to inclusive conservation that values and utilizes local knowledge and participation.


4. Outreach and Communication:

  • Expanding Digital Footprint: Our dedicated communications strategy reached unprecedented levels this year, with digital content attracting nearly 183,817 views across various platforms. 53.744 people were reached only by LLBCP online resources. We published 218 posts on the Living Lakes Network social media channels and 4 LakesLetters. Partners published another 297 posts about the project and reached 130,073 people with that


5. Future Directions and Ongoing Commitments:

  • Continued Focus on SDGs: The alignment of our project activities with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals—especially those related to clean water, climate action, and sustainable communities—remains a priority. These goals guide our project’s strategic planning and ensure our actions contribute meaningfully to global sustainability targets.




The 2023 Technical Interim Report from the Living Lakes Biodiversity and Climate Project not only reflects a year of robust achievements but also sets the stage for future endeavors. As we look ahead, we are motivated by our past successes and driven by the urgency of expanding our impact, reaching more communities, and further integrating sustainability into global policies.


We invite you to join us in this vital mission— engage with our ongoing projects, and register for our upcoming events like the Sustainability Leadership Journey in South Africa. Together, we can continue to make significant strides in conserving our planet’s precious wetlands and lakes.

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